Monday, November 2, 2009

Must have parental control keylogger for Mac

There are many MAC fans, they love their macs just like their children. They would carefully protect their macs from any hurt. But, for parents who have macs, do you pay enough attention to the online safety of your children using your mac?

I read a father's writing, He thought he had paid enough attention to his 7-years old boy surfing the Internet But one day when he got the copy of his boy's AOL Instant Messenger and checked the profiles in his buddy list, he was really shocked what he found. There are some dangerous guys with wretched names, what's more, tons of information which are supposed to be private about them listed on their profiles, even including their house address and the father's working place.

Most parents love and trust their children. But children are curious by nature. They like exploring every unknown thing. The nature is good but the outside world is dangerous. So it is up to parents to monitor what websites they browse and control what they do online and to protect them.

As a parent, you do have responsibility for that. Maybe you would say "Of course I did, I have the built-in Mac Parental Control set up." You may find the built-in Mac Parental Control is useful, but not powerful enough to protect your children. The function of the Mac Parental Control is limited only to basic websites recording and timely control. If you just do this, I can only say that you are a too perfunctory parent for the safety of your children.

To keep your children safe online, you should also install a professional parental control key logger on your Mac machine. Keyloggers for Mac such as Aobo Mac Keylogger can record all keystrokes typed on any application and capture the desktop screenshots in a preset interval. It won't be found by your children as it is totally stealth and undetectable. Besides, the mac keylogger can even record passwords typed in safari, firefox, msn, aim, ichat or games. You don't need to check your children's daily online activities on the Mac machine as it is able to secretly send the logs to your email or ftp space.

Perhaps some people oppose this way of protecting kids by infringing their rights, but all I want to say is that it's to be sorry than not. There is no measure what a parent should not do to protect their children from all the harmfulness lurking on the Internet And sometimes hard hand will take into account if necessary.